Sunday, March 23, 2008

Optimistic Planet

Optimistic Planet

Rapes, shootings, overdoses, and theft.
Births, Bondings, awareness, and savoring whats left.
Oppression, injustice, faithless, and deceived.
Resistance, karma, awakenings, deciphings to be perceived.

Malignant, cancerous, deadly, and poised.
Miracle in the works, tests from above, bringing of new life, silent noise.
Slavery, poverty, beatings, and lies,
Uprising, shelter, healings, and the creation of wise.

Broken homes, adultery, profanity, and booze
Repaired shelters, a new life, repentance, and anonymous crews.
Un-appreciation, incapability of love, blinded to what’s right in front of your eyes
A growing love, a tender heart, seeing whos meant for you as a disguise

A cloudy day, a broken window, an erupting volcano gone mad
Harvesting rain, excited young faces, islands which we have never had
Unexplainable answers, inconvenient situations, an oppressive army and squad
Pursuit of knowledge, perfected equations, the placing of your faith in God.

What Israeli going on?

What Israeli going on?

Aggressive behavior rooting from hostile beliefs
Suppressive agendas created for the Middle East
Occupations and sanctions, weapons inspections and disease
Settlements, curfews, and false peace pleads.

Bullets and bread, democracy and common infant death
The world’s satisfaction and approval, a child’s last breath
Democratically elected freedom fighters labeled as murderers and thieves
Semites deemed anti-Semitic, Palestinian factions fighting over beliefs

A demon seen as angelic, the oppressed viewed as antagonists
Retaliating against the victims, children of the holocaust now known as Zionists
No humanistic traits, no characteristics of care
No genuine desire for mankind, or intrinsic feelings of despair

The wicked ruling the innocent, inflicting oppression on each soul
The tainted streets and tarnished vehicles, the walls riddled with bullet holes
This holy land, which was stolen, these harsh laws which were made
All of which will never be forgotten, all of which God has forbade.

Growing weak in support, this Israeli machine is breaking down
Losing governmental backings, propaganda being turned around
Being exposed for their intentions, truth penetrating through
Soon we will have a free Palestine, free for me and you.



Viewed by the world as barbaric religious phanatics
Living in oppression, gives no excuses to our actions and our tactics
Shot by rubber coated bullets and bombed by American planes
Responding with rocks makes us terroristic and takes away from peaceful gains

Most densely populated place on earth, now without basic necessities for life
Electricity, water and heat shut off, Israel stands by the claim that its their right
Humanitary violations commited daily, little boys used as living shields
The world watches blindly, a red flag yet to be waved, to yield.

Fathers working all day long, making less than nothing
Children breathing a breath closer to death, mothers only hoping.
A massacre by the survivors of a holocaust, ironic and surreal
Statistic murder numbers being tossed, with no united nation’s appeal.

Gloried by the west, high on their feelings of power
Time coming soon, like the Nazi’s versus Eisenhower
An end to decade upon decade of atrocity will soon prevail
Then there truly will be no more oppression, no more apartheid state of Israel.

Cultural Hijack

Cultural Hijack

Hijabs, Kufies, Quran, and Sunnah
Rehab, Hash Cookies, Prom and Zinah
Innocence, Community, Faith and prayers
Drugs, Scrutiny, hustlers and players

A difference, which at one point seemed so well defined
Except this time, a melting pot, white and brown combined
Seeing no difference between kufar and those of the book
Men not lowering their gaze, taking more than one look

Morals transparent, beliefs equally lost
Selling out of your religion, is hell really worth the cost?
Turning away from your God, to be accepted by his creation
Contains consequences, like a country built on inflation

A pebble in a world of sands, a speck of dust in the atmosphere
Ignorant like a poet without hands, agnostic like those who are unclear
Unclear of their faith, unclear of their blessings
On the day of calamity, don’t be among those who are stressing

Its never too late to come back for his mercy, or to attain his love
But if the sun rises from the west, you will be useless like a handless glove
For you had a lifetime of regret, actions on grounds for remorse
Repent and turn away from the flame, be amongst those who roam through paradise on their white horse



Disgust, anguish, agony and distress
Pain, infliction, different colored skin, headless body to caress.
Fate chosen, genetically different beings
Altered thoughts, superiority, propaganda and false meanings.

206 bones, which make us all the same,
Living on the same earth, eating the same grain.
Ambition to live, the will to prosper and achieve
Differences due to color? Don't be so narrow-minded and nieve.

Oceans and Land, all of it which is shared between
The air we breathe filthy, the water, not so clean.
Live with your brothers, take care of our race
Do not wipe each other out from within, let us remain in this place.

A hatred created from power and corruption
The hunger for more and more, shifting from righteousness to obstruction.
Transparent morals, with more contradicting beliefs
From swastikas and concentration camps, to white men covered in sheets.

Wake up from this struggle, rid yourself of this disease
For the greater good of mankind, only one thing I ask you, please.
Ask yourself a question, no matter how much pain it brings from afar,
If you weren't yourself, would you truly hate who you are?

The Fallen Empire

The Fallen Empire

Fighting for freedom, bringing democracy
Helping the children around the world, pure hypocrisy.
Loud cries of WMD's, the false accusations,
The taking of civilian lives, always without justification.

They are terrorists, they are born to kill
They don't care about your lives, please do not appeal.
Its in their genes, it's in their religion
We preach the same, but we call it patriotism.

Stripping everyone of their rights, to protect our liberties,
Banning immoral acts, except torture, and homosexuality.
Going against the constitution, disregarding treason.
Corrupt leaders, whom give even more corrupt reason.

To avenge their fathers, to systematically cleanse
General public is in poverty, your president in a benz.
So where is this balance, where is this care
It's a caste system like India's, but we call it welfare.

You are being fed hatred, you are being told lies
Unaware of your own morals, blinded by religious pride.
Oblivious to the fact that we are all from the same race
Wiping us out, is only helping nature at a more rapid pace.

Broken promises, and extended tours of duty
Set up disasters, making false hero's of men like Rudy.
So before you destroy all of us from the inside out
Take a second to ask yourself, is this what your religion is all about?

Eternal Demise

Eternal Demise

The blowing of the horn, the shattering of the world
The crumbling of the mountains, its scenery hurled.
Mothers running from their children, husbands from their wives
Not caring for anything, except for your deeds and your lives.

A scene so unheard of, not even our minds can comprehend
The betrayal of our children will happen, no matter what you intend.
Place your faith in the entity that you so conveniently call your God.
Abide by his rules, do as he asks, step out from behind your façade.

The heat so intense, and your perspiration so high
Up to your ankles you'll be drenched, praying for the moon and the night.
Off in the distance, it is shade that you see
This thick darkness, provided by your Lord, it can set you free.

The ending of your suffering, the sun only a mile above
Chose his shade and satisfaction, or this world's desires and all you love.
Temporary bliss, or eternal happiness, the choice is ultimately yours,
Land of milk and honey, or forever entrapped behind closed doors?

Your destiny is open, the choices you make are your fate
When the angel blows the horn, to where do you belong, behind which gate?
Do not succumb to these pleasant conveniences, or that which you are forbade
These rules are set to protect you, do not conform, do not be of those who swayed.

At Dawn

At Dawn

Always praying to see my father again,
Pondering if I'll be fortunate enough to live past the age of ten.
Terrorized daily, toxic gasses constrict my lungs
Demolishment of my third home, thrice my personal possessions flung.

My delicate mother on crutches, my baby sister in cold sheets
Bullets which hit windows like flies, the pests of these occupied streets.
An army created for Satan, from the victims of the Third Reich
Blend in with one another, both their tactics and goals alike.

Head scarf or Cap, Crosses or Cows,
To whom this land belongs, to whom it is bestowed.
Invaded after invasion, the irony surreal,
Like the German's did to them, history repeated, evil's most ideal.

Using tragedy as their claim for land, to make "Israel" theirs,
Millions dying is truly horrific, but doesn't give reason for the repeated massacres.
The indigenous strategically misplaced, the intruders crimes conveniently erased
All at the cost of failed Nazi plans, all sense of humanity blinded and dazed.

It's a reenactment of Rwanda, a struggle between two,
Once again the world turns a cheek, a blind eye follows through.
All our lives at risk, from babies to woman, from calf to fawn,
A miracle with every wakening, blessed, if I raise at dawn.