Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Fallen Empire

The Fallen Empire

Fighting for freedom, bringing democracy
Helping the children around the world, pure hypocrisy.
Loud cries of WMD's, the false accusations,
The taking of civilian lives, always without justification.

They are terrorists, they are born to kill
They don't care about your lives, please do not appeal.
Its in their genes, it's in their religion
We preach the same, but we call it patriotism.

Stripping everyone of their rights, to protect our liberties,
Banning immoral acts, except torture, and homosexuality.
Going against the constitution, disregarding treason.
Corrupt leaders, whom give even more corrupt reason.

To avenge their fathers, to systematically cleanse
General public is in poverty, your president in a benz.
So where is this balance, where is this care
It's a caste system like India's, but we call it welfare.

You are being fed hatred, you are being told lies
Unaware of your own morals, blinded by religious pride.
Oblivious to the fact that we are all from the same race
Wiping us out, is only helping nature at a more rapid pace.

Broken promises, and extended tours of duty
Set up disasters, making false hero's of men like Rudy.
So before you destroy all of us from the inside out
Take a second to ask yourself, is this what your religion is all about?

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